Illegal migrants
As part of measures to combat illegal migration Chop frontier detachment received information about large group of unknown persons who arriv...
Last day, as part of measures to combat illegal migration, border guards Chop Squad arrested two offenders. ...
About 40 illegal immigrants found in the territory of the Russian police in Moscow's Domodedovo airport. "As...
Lastdayof the Chopborder guardsdetained a groupdetachmentof unknown peoplewho tried toillegallycross the borderwith Slovakia. &...
Today at the airport "Borispol" guards separate checkpoint "Kyiv" detained passenger with non-existent document. A man who was heading to St...
Last weekend Chop Squad guards at the border with Slovakia and Hungary detained six illegal immigrants. "Int...
Saudipolicerozliduecasefalling from the skydismemberedbody. The astonishingcase ofthe policesaida resident ofJeddah,who notedhowthe inter...
Chop border guards detained a detachment of regular "travelers" who illegally sent to the EU. Attire of "Guta", wh...
On January 1, 2012 in Poland comes into force the amnesty law, which aims - to legalize the approximately 500,000 foreigners living illega...