Farce or corruption in Migration Service
Farce or corruption in Migration Service
Ukrainian information-analytical newspaper "Migration", an independent information portal - recent years cooperates with the State Migration Service of Ukraine, covering events taking place in Ukrainian society and related system migration, including negative and issues arising people in the interaction with the public authority.
Now, for the last two years the newspaper "Migration" observing in the information space Internet links to bring targeted civil society of the information is not verified and journalism opportunities in fact is a farce charges Migration Service different units in illegal or corrupt activities.
In advance, the newspaper "Migration" was aware of the publication on the Internet of information on fictitious repairs, which allegedly carried out in the Department of the State Migration Service of Ukraine in the Odessa area, links to informational portal: «368.media», article from 02.21.2017, the (https://368.media/2017/02/21/odesskaya-migratsionnaya-sluzhba-provodila-fiktivnyj-remont-svoih-otdelenij/).
Given that Migration Service is the central body of executive power, the duty of which is to provide administrative services to the public, the newspaper "Migration" believes that public acceptance must occur in normal conditions and areas suitable for such activities.
Society must understand that almost conditions affecting the normal work, the performance of duties and performance services.
Examples are unsuitable electrical wiring that affects devices and disruptions in energy supply. Such examples concern and areas where people expect and provided administrative services. It should also be added that due to state funds that were allocated to the Main Department of VMI in the Odessa area repairs were made to all territorial units of Odesa region, there are 33 funds were primarily aimed at rebuilding premises, which today issued internal documents (ID card) and passports of citizens of Ukraine for travel abroad.
In view of the said newspaper "Migration" has decided to conduct its own journalistic investigation aimed at the study of the use of public funds by Migration Service in the Odessa region.
To position was not loud, it was decided to provide photo session, which can by itself confirm or refute the fact held "bogus" repairs.
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